Tag Archives: electromagnetic radiation field

CIA KCIA Phoenix and other EMF radiation weapons on film

Following is a link to a 2 and 1/2 hour horrific compilation of intentional global murder using EMF and microwave frequencies.  This has been going on my entire life and I was happily oblivious until now.

Hearing “stories” throughout these years about ionizing and non-ionizing radiation destroying lives are now pieced together.

Think about 3D, wireless technology, dishes on your rooftop to view TV, etc.


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Filed under disease, electromagnetic radiation, EMF

Local doctor shares his views on dangers from EMF electromagnetic field radiation


by Lillian Cox

Dr. Dan Harper, M.D., was among the first to arrive at the Encinitas City Council meeting the evening of July 21. Carrying a 12-inch stack of medical journal articles about the health risks of electromagnetic field, or EMF, radiation, he was there to speak on behalf of his patient, Michael Schwaebe.

Schwaebe was appealing the placement of WiMAX towers on the site of the former Cabo Grill at Coast Highway 101 and La Costa Avenue. WiMAX is often referred to as “a cell tower on steroids.”

Harper directed his initial remarks to the Sprint Clearwire representatives in attendance when he quoted author Upton Sinclair: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon him not understanding.”

Harper said he was frustrated, but not surprised, that he was unable to complete his presentation.

It would have been illegal.

The wireless industry is protected by Article 704 of the Telecommunications Act signed by President Clinton in 1996 which prohibits arguments of potential health risks from communications towers to be made at public hearings, even if they are legitimate.

Consequently, Schwaebe and his fellow presenters were forced to fall back on a secondary argument, declining property values as a result of placement of the WiMAX towers.

Had Dr. Harper been able to complete his speech, following are points he would have made.

Today, there is an indisputable parallel between the wireless and the tobacco industry, which was not required to post warning labels on cigarette packaging and in advertising until 1965 — after generations of families suffered from respiratory illnesses, cancers and even death due to smoking.

“It took 50 years to get warning labels and they are still selling the product,” Harper wrote in his notes.

In addition, he would have cited studies since the 1970s that show an increase in many cancers of those living within 300 meters of power lines. “Despite being a class 1B carcinogen, they are still building schools and houses on cheap land under power lines,” his notes read.

He would have made the argument that if we post the addresses of sexual predators, why then can’t the location of concealed or stealth cell tower antennaes also be posted.

Harper is a proponent of the need to develop safe neighborhoods for chemically sensitive and EMF-sensitive individuals such Michael Schwaebe by burying powerlines, having no wi-fi in a minimum of a half-mile radius, and no cell towers or pesticides or herbicides sprays in the area.

Finally, Harper would have made an argument that the EMF radiation controversy should actually be a state’s rights issue.

“Even though the FCC has said to ignore the potential health risks to humans and have a 150-day limit on the request to locate their wireless units, you are the wall of protection,” he wrote in his comments to City Council. “This is a federation of states with the states regulating the insurance, medical, dental and mortuary industries. The sheriff of this county has more rights of executive power than the FBI since the sheriff is elected and accountable to the voters.”

So, is he a whack job? Who is Dr. Dan Harper?

He graduated magna cum laud from Baylor College of Medicine, which today ranks No. 13 in research behind Stanford and before UCLA according to www.MedSchool100.com.

He is board certified in holistic medicine and family medicine; and board eligible in emergency medicine with more than 35,000 hours of ER experience.

Before moving to San Diego five years ago he was licensed in Oregon, Wyoming, Montana and Texas. Currently he’s licensed in California and Arizona.

It was changes he noticed in his own system and in his patients in his Solana Beach medical practice that prompted him to investigate environmental factors that impact health here on the coast.

“I did not have problems in Montana since no cell phone towers were there at the time,” he said. “I got here and things were blazin’ hot and people were ill due to the EMFs. There was catatonic schizophrenia, depression, autism, arrhythmias of heart, seizures — all related to EMF exposure. I hit pubmed.com (National Institutes of Health research website) and the Internet to find out why.”

He also took several courses on EMFs offered through the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and studied under Dr. William J. Rea, who is considered one of the fathers of environmental medicine.

Harper learned that San Diego is the second-highest radiated city in the nation, behind Washington, D.C.

“There is 10 million times the background radiation in San Diego compared to 1970,” he said. “It is caused by technology such as cell towers and high-powered transformer lines; military telecommunications; Doppler radar and sonograms shot into earthquake faults. It is also generated by wi-fi communications for computers and games, SDG&E smart meters and transformers on poles and on the ground of local neighborhoods (camouflaged) as green boxes.”

Harper warns that EMF radiation even interferes with meditation at the Self Realization Fellowship.

Ultimately, he says this is leading to a generation of older Americans with pre-senile dementia being cared for by a younger generation with a disproportionate amount of brain cancer.

Beyond our own world, he warns that extremely low frequency, or ELF, radiation used to communicate with submarines is impacting ocean life.

“They interfere with the vestibular apparatus of the brains of the whales,” Harper said. “It messes up their navigation and seems to impair cognition.”

Frustrated, Dr. Harper walked out of the council meeting on July 21 after a woman representing the wireless industry said she had no closing remarks except to say that the city of Encinitas had no legal leg to stand on.

“My heart sank as I saw big business once again put the FCC knife to the throats of the City Council and tell them they would have to sit and watch as they raped and ravaged the community and there was nothing they could do,” he said. “Every citizen is being blasted at a cellular level by this radiation. It may take two or three decades to manifest the cancer or dementia, but it is adversely affecting us all.”

He said that 3 percent of the population is severely and rapidly affected with symptoms such as headaches, confusion, tachycardia, anxiety, skin burning and hives.

“Sixteen percent will only feel the fatigue, insomnia, ‘brain farts’ and memory issues, and the other 81 percent will look at that 19 percent and recommend a good psychiatrist until 30 or 40 years down the road (medical) articles will begin to report that cell phones and wi-fi are more dangerous than cigarettes, asbestos and leaded gasoline put together,” he said.

After members of the Encinitas City Council explained that they had no choice but to deny the appeal, for fear of losing money in legal bills in a futile battle with the federal government, Deputy Mayor Maggie Houlihan called on citizens to write their congressmen and senators to demand that Article 704 be repealed.

The Coast News contacted Rep. Brian Bilbray and his opponent Francine Busby to ask if they would lead such a movement to repeal Article 704. To date, only Bilbray’s office had responded.

Following is the statement from Bilbray’s office: “Congressman Bilbray holds health and safety standards in the highest regard. The standards used in the 1996 Telecom Act to support Article 704 were, at the time, the most stringent health standards available in the United States. A review of these standards has been scheduled by the Federal Communications Commission and Congressman Bilbray will make a determination on further action upon completion of the review.”

Dr. Dan’s Advice

Dr. Dan Harper offers a few tips on how to protect yourself from EMFs:

  1. Purchase a Trifield Meter to measure EMF radiation in your home. The price is about $125 online.
  2. In homes, make sure the grounding is done correctly at the junction box of the circuit breaker and of the switch box inside that grounds to the hot water. EMF-sensitive patients have to have a 3-foot section of nonmetallic pipe between their water meter and the house, or all the grounded negative energy comes from neighboring homes into their house and onto them when they shower or do dishes.
  3. Keep children more than 4 to 5 feet from the front of the TV and away from any alternating current devices such as air filters, computers and stereos.
  4. Use a large computer monitor, with a corded mouse and key pad that can be set 3 to 4 feet away from the monitor and tower to prevent the strong EMFs from entering your body. Stay away from laptops.
  5. Turn off electrical equipment at the surge protector when not in use. Turn off routers on wi-fi and computers so EMF radiation is not shot through the house and neighborhood.
  6. Don’t use a cordless phone. Get a speaker phone or land line.
  7. Limit cell phone texting and talking, turning off the phone when not in use. If it is kept turned on, it is broadcasting microwaves into the tissues of the person carrying it and those around them. Second-hand radiation is more dangerous than second-hand cigarette smoke in my opinion. The further one gets from the cell tower, the stronger the cell phone blasts into the tissues trying to reach the tower. The closer one gets to the tower, the more the tower blasts the person there, whether they have a phone on or not.
  8. Bluetooth phones triple the amount of negative energy entering your body.
  9. Finally, don’t live near a cell tower unless you have your life insurance policy and your medical insurance covers cancer, autoimmunity, dementia (including Alzheimer’s and presenile dementia), heart disease, diabetes, and a large number of so called chronic diseases that have been shown to increase in the presence of harmful EMFs at low doses.

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Filed under cancer, cell phone, EMF, radiation interference

Are Your Mattress And Bedframe Killing You With EMF?

by Lloyd Alter, Toronto on 08. 2.10

The Robinsons model the latest in tinfoil pyjamas

Forget the tinfoil hat, it is time for tinfoil pyjamas. Scientific American tells us that the bed frames and box springs in most American beds are half the wavelength of TV and FM signals and are acting as antennae, causing skin and breast cancers on victims’ left sides, which are usually right were the maximum strength of the EMF would be.

How to make a tinfoil hat: instructions here

R. Douglas Fields, Ph. D, writes in Scientific American about the Swedish study by Örjan Hallberg of Hallberg Independent Research in Sweden and Olle Johansson of The Karolinska Institute in Sweden, that describes the effect:

As we sleep on our coil-spring mattresses, we are in effect sleeping on an antenna that amplifies the intensity of the broadcast FM/TV radiation. Asleep on these antennas, our bodies are exposed to the amplified electromagnetic radiation for a third of our life spans. As we slumber on a metal coil-spring mattress, a wave of electromagnetic radiation envelops our bodies so that the maximum strength of the field develops 75 centimeters above the mattress in the middle of our bodies. When sleeping on the right side, the body’s left side will thereby be exposed to field strength about twice as strong as what the right side absorbs.

The author notes that the rate of breast cancer in Japan is a lot lower than in the west, and attributes this to the fact that they do not sleep on mattresses, and their TVs operate on a different frequency.

A commenter at Apartment Therapy noted that study co-author Ollie Johansson was awarded the Misleader of the Year Award in 2004 for his work in EMF. The citation includes:

Olle Johansson receives the award as one of the most prominent representatives of the far too many scientists who, to draw attention to themselves and funding for their own activities, disseminate worry among the public in mass media by presenting unsubstantiated hypotheses as established facts…..Olle Johansson insinuates that a large number of diseases such as cancer, blood pressure problems, asthma, allergies and sleep disorders, may be caused by electromagnetic fields. He has also come to the conclusion that malignant melanomas may be caused by TV- and FM-transmissions. A few years ago Johansson received particular attention after he claimed that brain damage, and specifically mad cow disease could be caused by the use of mobile phones.

But then again, everyone is just so certain whenever we write about the possible dangers of EMF, that all those cellphone towers and cellphones, microwave ovens and electric blankets, not to mention routers and wifi are perfectly harmless. How can they be so sure?

More in TreeHugger on EMF

Should Cell Phone Towers Be Put on Residential Buildings?
Are Hybrids an EMF Health Risk?
EMF: Richard Box’s Graphic Demonstrations
A Univerisity without WifI
Spray-on Defense from WiFi and Cellphones
New Study Proves EMF Affects Living Things, Discovers Electro-bonsai Effect

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Filed under awareness, cancer, cell phone, cell tower, children, electromagnetic radiation, EMR, radiation interference, WiFi

EMR-Updates July 28th, 2010

Thank you Paul Doyon for the immense amount of time and energy you voluntarily devote to educating the world …CSea and our readers.


International Coalition for an Electromagnetic-Safe Planet (IC-ESP)

Education! Awareness! Support! Action!

(From denial to acceptance, from ignorance to awareness, from apathy to action, from selfishness to compassion.)

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Filed under awareness, cancer, cell phone, cell tower, children, EMF, EMR, schools, WiFi

International Coalition for an Electromagnetic-Safe Planet (IC-ES

received eMail 12 jul 10 by Paul Doyon.  Thank you Paul.

EMR-Updates: July 4th, 2010

International Coalition for an Electromagnetic-Safe Planet (IC-ESP)

Education! Awareness! Support! Action!

(From denial to acceptance, from ignorance to awareness, from apathy to action, from selfishness to compassion.)

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Filed under EMF, EMR

New Housing Non-Profit addressing Environmental Sensitivities

Thank you to J. Genser whom posted for repost globally.



New Housing Non-Profit Forming with Focus on Environmental Sensitivities

Snowflake, Arizona USA – June 7, 2010 – Re|shelter is a new non-profit organization forming to address the urgent need for housing alternatives for people with environmental intolerances, who experience mild to life-threatening physical reactions to extremely low levels of chemicals, mold, electrical fields, and other environmental factors and have great difficulty living in their conventionally built homes.

Currently applying for 501(c)3 status, the charitable organization is committed to addressing the global housing crisis and high rates of homelessness and suicide within vulnerable populations affected by disabling environmental sensitivities. Their activities will include fundraising, awarding housing aid grants, facilitating the design and construction of healthy homes and communities, and using the arts to promote awareness.

Co-founders Julie Genser and Julie Laffin formed the charity because “the need is so great, and no one else is doing it,” says Genser. Genser and Laffin are hoping to direct funding from government and the private sector to help prevent homelessness and further suffering for those unable to secure safe housing due to their own limited resources. Both Genser and Laffin were disabled by severe chemical, electrical and other environmental sensitivities within the last six years and have a firsthand understanding of the housing struggle for this population. The two met online four years ago in a group for artists with chemical sensitivities.

Genser and Laffin will comprise the Board of Directors. The Advisory Board has 16 notable members with experience working in related fields, or with the illness itself, including William J. Rea, M.D., a pioneer in environmental medicine and safer housing construction, Pamela Reed-Gibson, Ph.D., an author and researcher of the life impacts of environmental sensitivities, Magda Havas, Ph.D., an expert on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation, Carl Grimes, President of the Indoor Air Quality Association, Bennie Howard, the former director of the Office of Disability at HUD, Susan Molloy, a long-time disability rights activist, and Paula Baker-Laporte, an architect experienced in building for those with environmental sensitivities.

Some of the group’s planned projects include awarding home renovation grants to eligible individuals, construction of a clean air community as well as an emergency shelter, and an architecture school outreach program that educates students while collaborating on re|shelter’s projects.

Genser studied Design and Environmental Analysis/Interior Design at Cornell University and coordinated construction projects prior to getting ill. She had just become certified in permaculture and ecovillage design, and was enrolled in an intensive 4-month sustainable architecture semester at ECOSA Institute when she became severely disabled by environmental illness and had to drop out of the program. She has unique insight into re|shelter’s target population: the last five years she has moved seven times in search of safe housing that did not severely affect her health.

Laffin also knows the struggle of finding safe housing; she searches each summer for a place to escape the aerial crop spraying in her home county in northern Illinois. Driven by compassion and personal insight into the particular problem of housing for those with environmental illness, the two are very excited to be taking this important step, as there is no other organization in existence today that is solely focused on housing solutions for those with environmental intolerances.

Contact: support@reshelter.org | http://reshelter.org

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Filed under EMF

Riz gets bee buzz right – Experiment shows fallout of mobile radiation

A still from the movie My Name is Khan

New Delhi, May 26: Concerns that cellphones pose a threat to honeybees, articulated by Shah Rukh Khan’s character in My Name Is Khan, have now been bolstered by Panjab University zoologist Neelima Kumar’s experiments.

Electromagnetic radiation from cellphones appears to alter the behaviour of bees, her experiments suggest and add fresh evidence to observations reported by a team of German researchers seven years ago.

Honeybees exposed to cellphone radiation appear to lose the ability to return to their hives and queen bees produce a lower number of eggs, according to the new findings that appeared yesterday in the journal Current Science from the Indian Academy of Sciences.

“These are still preliminary findings, but they have dire implications,” said Kumar. “Bees are important not just for honey, but for pollination of crops.”

Bees pollinate some 80 per cent of commercial crops —apples, melons, sunflower, mustard, cucumbers and radish, she said. “A massive loss of bees could cause loss of production of such crops,” Kumar added.

Those thoughts appear to echo the words of Rizwan Khan — the character played by Shah Rukh in My Name Is Khan — who cautions that cellphones may be harmful to honeybees and cites Albert Einstein’s warning that if the world’s bees were to disappear, humans would perish in four years.

In 2003, three researchers in Landau, Germany, had produced the first evidence to suggest that electromagnetic exposure may cause a change in the behaviour of bees. Their findings triggered speculation among some scientists that electromagnetic radiation may interfere with bees’ ability to communicate and navigate.

Honey Trap

Kumar and her student exposed two colonies of the honeybee, Apis mellifera, to electromagnetic radiation, placing two cellphones on side walls of hives in call mode for 15 minutes, twice a day, for up to 12 weeks.

The researchers observed that the number of bees from the colonies returning to their hives after foraging for pollen declined compared with two other colonies of bees not exposed to cellphone activity. A queen bee exposed to the cellphone radiation produced only 144 eggs a day compared with 376 eggs laid by a queen in a colony not exposed to it.

The honey-storing ability of exposed hives dropped significantly. At the end of several months, the hive had neither pollen, nor bees. “The colonies collapsed,” Kumar said.

The team from the Chandigarh-based university had experimentally created a condition that mimicked the strange disappearance of bees reported by beekeepers in North America, France, Germany, and Sweden in recent years.

Entomologists call the phenomenon colony collapse disorder (CCD) — an abrupt and unexplained 50 to 90 per cent of loss of bees. Scientists have speculated fungal infections or pesticides or even global warming as possible causes.

However, many researchers believe there is not enough evidence yet to link either electromagnetic radiation or even rising temperatures to the loss of bees. Three years ago, Jessica Hamzelou from the University College, London, wrote in the medical journal The Lancet that CCD did not appear to be a recent phenomenon, and abandoned hives had been documented as far back as in 1869.

But Kumar said her findings were similar to the results of studies in the 1970s on the influence of high tension transmission lines on bee behaviour. “Bees use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate — it’s reasonable to assume that electromagnetic radiation could interfere with this ability,” Kumar said. But she cautioned that any such effect would need to be authenticated through physiological studies. No such studies have been done yet, she added.



Filed under cell phone, EMF

Heavy use of cell phones may increase tumour risk: study

Prolonged heavy cell phone use may be linked to brain tumours: decade-long study by Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona.

Scott Olson/Getty Images 2008 Getty Images


Prolonged heavy cell phone use may be linked to brain tumours:  decade-long study Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in  Barcelona. Scott Olson/Getty Images

Interphone study reveiwed 5,100 people diagnosed with brain cancers in 13 countries, including Canada

The most exhaustive investigation ever undertaken into brain cancer risk from cell phones suggests that heavy users may be at an elevated risk of developing the tumors, a finding that is likely to continue fueling health concerns over the popular electronic gadgets.

The study, dubbed Interphone, found that that people who reported chatting on the phones the equivalent of a half an hour a day over 10 years had an elevated risk of a rare and often deadly brain cancer known as glioma, the type that last year felled U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, although the researchers concluded their evidence is not strong enough to link the devices to the disease.

The frequent users had a 40 per cent higher risk of glioma, compared to people who never used the phones, as well as about twice the risk of developing tumors on the same side of their heads where they normally held their mobiles while talking, or where most of the energy emitted by their phones would be absorbed.

The results were based on

Continue reading …

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Filed under awareness, cancer, cell phone, children, EMF

French Senate Bill for the Environment – ban cell phones

She did it again, we are grateful to Angela Flynn for finding this valuable Report…. CSea


I have finally tracked down the French action on cell phones and antennas.  Here it is:

The French Senate bans cell phones in schools, advertising to children under 14 and many other precautionary health actions on cell towers.

French  Senate Article 72 (Articles L. 32-1, 34-9 and L. L. 34-9-1 of the Code of Posts and Telecommunications electronic articles L. 5231-3 and L. 5231-4 [new] Code of Public Health and Article 17a [new] law of 15 June 1906 on the distributions of energy) – Regulatory Guidance on electromagnetic waves


Here is the google translation – http://tinyurl.com/2azgmmm

Some highlights:

Afsset – French Agency for Health Safety Environment and Labor


CE Article

Everyone has the right to health and protection against the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves.

CE It is revealed that “the Court of Appeal of Versailles, by a decree of February 4, 2009, upheld the conviction of a mobile operator to dismantle an antenna relay, whereas it caused an abnormal disturbance Neighborhood.  Since that case, the judgments in this direction is growing.  These decisions reveal the growing concern of many of our fellow citizens for their health and that of their children.”

CE Article 9 Any decision on the establishment, alteration or maintenance of a facility used in radio telecommunications networks must be displayed clearly and visibly in the public areas of the building affected by the work.

Decisions on the siting radio used in telecommunications networks in condominiums must be taken unanimously by the owners.

Decisions on the siting radio used in telecommunications in low-rent housing should be a consultation of residents.

The lack of consultation in void the lease between the owner or owners of the building and the network operator.

CE Article 11 Bans advertising of mobile phones for children to children under 14.

CE Article 16 The installation of Wi-Max and LTE (long term evolution) are suspended for a period of 5 years from the enactment of this Act.  Where possible, the terminal facilities Wi-Max and LTE are replaced by an existing wired broadband.  In all other cases, prior approval of the Regional Directorate for Industry, Research and Environment will be required.

Amendment Prohibits the use of mobile phones in kindergartens, primary schools and colleges.

Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Angela Flynn
Wireless Radiation Alert Network
FAX 301-229-4752

http://www.scribd. com/doc/24352550 /Cell-Tower- Rpt

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Filed under cancer, cell phone, cell tower, children, EMF

Mobile Phone Electromagnetic Radiation and Sleep

Special thank you to Angela Flynn for posting


Research from other laboratories has shown that the radio waves from a mobile phone affect the electrical activity of the sleeping brain (the ‘EEG’)’. However, these studies have mostly used one standard radio frequency, whereas the phone signal differs depending on whether we are talking, listening or leave the phone in ‘stand-by’ mode. We have separated out these three signals and find different effects on the EEG. This research program, in conjunction with the Centre for Mobile Communications Research, here at Loughborough, has shown that 30 minutes exposure to the ‘talk’ mode signal delays sleep onset.

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