Category Archives: protect

Does being in denial serve you best?

embrace or deny; you choose and accept responsibility. no blame game.

  • ask ourselves if being in denial about things that hurt us, protect us?
  • if you know you are allergic to peanuts, do you consume or avoid them?
  • when you see proof that cigarettes kill, do you smoke or quit?
  • you know wireless technology is harming you; do you protect yourself or remain frozen (immovable) in denial, by choice?

We are referencing the plethora of wireless devices, technology, satellites 23,000 miles from the earth creating these high level frequencies far beyond the norms of all living matter.

We are proving DNA changes, harmful effects and fatal results.  How many decades do we jeopardize our children and Grands before the FCC etc protect us?

CSea Perkins

EMFJournal creator / moderator


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Filed under ecoWise choices, EMF, environment, harmonizer, protect

EMF free living

Actually, straw bale is a natural material that shields emf’s quite well. I have measured the microwave radiation outside of a straw bale building and then inside and compared. I would have to look up the exact numbers, but the reduction was dramatic.

This was a house that used bamboo to stabilize the straw bales rather than chicken wire, which is what a lot of people use. I have not had the opportunity to measure them, but I would bet that cob houses would also provide significant shielding as the walls are very thick and made of clay and straw. Dragonboard seems like another alternative, but probably much more expensive.

I had an interesting experience the other day while taking measurements in a very rural area. My readings were very low until an airplane flew over, then dropped again after the plane passed. This was not measuring radar, but microwaves in uW/cm2.

Good luck on creating a safe living space.


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Filed under EMF, environment, family, protect, sensativity

Dr. George Carlo on cellphone dangers

o Dr. George Carlo, an expect in the biological effects of cellphone use focuses on Children.

o Disney and Verizon targeting 8-12 year old children with cell phones.

o Studies conclude an estimated 500,000 cases of eye and brain cancer by 2010. One year!

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Filed under awareness, cancer, cell phone, children, EMF, family, Health, protect, solutions, teens / tweens

You choose

The 20/20 and Larry King videos are viewable at the very top of the page.

Blood Analysis VIEW VIDEO before and after a 15 minute cell call. So much oxygen depletion from red blood cells that it takes about 2 hours for an adult body to recover.


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Filed under awareness, cell phone, cell tower, children, EMF, EMR, family, mast, protect, schools, sensativity, toddlers, tower

Workshop on EMF and Health: Science and Policy

Workshop on EMF and Health: Science and Policy to address public concerns,
Brussels, 11-12 February 2009

Venue: Auditorium, Breydel Building, Avenue d’Auderghem 45, 1040 Brussels

Session 2 – The latest assessments

Session 3 – Comparing assessment approaches

Session 4 – Positions from the stakeholders

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Filed under awareness, cell phone, cell tower, electricity, EMF, EMR, family, Health, mast, microwave, mobile, protect, tower

Impact of watching 20/20 Video

Please answer Yes, No, Will now


your impression of the video if you checked YES.

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Filed under cell phone, children, electromagnetic fields, EMF, EMR, family, Health, microwave, protect, schools, toddlers, WiFi

Can Electrical Appliances Harm Your Health?

Published by The Healthier Life February 12, 2009


Imagine there’s an invisible pollutant that is affecting all of us. Imagine we all contribute to this pollution on a daily basis by simply watching television or using other appliances or driving our cars. Imagine that this pollution can contribute to diseases such as Diabetes, Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.


Imagine there’s an invisible pollutant that is affecting all of us. Imagine we all contribute to this pollution on a daily basis by simply watching television or using other appliances or driving our cars. Imagine that this pollution can contribute to diseases such as Diabetes, Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.


Okay, what am I talking about? Ever heard of electromagnetic fields (EMF), or electromagnetic radiation (EMR)?


Over the next few weeks, I will take a look at EMF Pollution which has been hailed as the ‘Hidden Illness’.


Consider the following:


Never before in the history of mankind have people lived in environments so laden with EMF Pollution. The average person is exposed to over 100 million times more radiation than their grandparents. With the arrival of cell phones, cell phone towers, blackberries and Wifi, the amount of electromagnetic frequencies bombarding the average individual is higher than ever, prompting scientists to label our generation as EMF guinea pigs.


Why pollution?


Almost all electrical and mechanical appliances radiate EMFs or EMR. EMFs are made up of two things: electrical fields and magnetic fields and these fields emit energy waves. Energy waves get transmitted through the air to all kinds of receivers – mobile phones, laptops, computers, antennas etc. Think about this: In a world where the average car emits more EMRs than a chest X-ray, EMF Protection has become a necessity.


So how does this work exactly?


There are two types of EMF:


1.  Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF), which are generated by electrical appliances and power lines


2.  Radiofrequency radiation (RF), which is most commonly used to transmit wireless signals (and you know how much of that is around theses days…), such as mobile phones, broadcast transmission towers and cordless phones.


Dirty electricity


Almost all electrical currents are generated at 60 Hz, but high voltage changes can contaminate the 60Hz transmission frequency causing an excess of ‘dirty electricity’ that exposes all of us to high-frequency radiation. So what is the threat all about? It is important to realize that all ‘chaotic’ non-biological electricity is a threat to our physical, emotional and mental health.


Just as some people are more resilient against airborne pollution and diseases than others, the same can be said about the symptoms associated with electrical pollution. However, long-term exposure that does not lead to immediate symptoms can still result in increasing physiological side effects and symptoms that may ultimately cause serious disease. Every person is affected by electrical pollution, but some people are more sensitive, less resilient and therefore more vulnerable to health problems associated with high EMF pollution.


My colleague Dr. Jonathan V. Wright has just written an extensive article on the dangers of EMF Pollution in the monthly newsletter, Nutrition and Healing.


Over the following weeks, I will take a closer look at the threat of EMF pollution as well as measures that we all can take to protect ourselves against it.



‘EMF Protection: Do You Need EMF Protection From EMF Pollution?’ by Rebecca Moon, published online 10/09/07,

‘Sources of Electrical Pollution’ published online,

‘Nine ways to protect yourself from the new pollution more deadly than lead poisining’, by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, published January 2009, Nutrition and Healing vol 3. Issue 1

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Filed under appliances, awareness, electricity, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, EMF, EMR, family, Health, protect

The Dangers of Cell Phone Use and Cell Phone Radiation

The Dangers of Cell Phone Use and Cell Phone Radiation

By Ben Needles 

The electromagnetic field (EMF) has been a natural part of the earth ever since the beginning of the universe and extends throughout all of space. It is a fundamental form of nature. The most familiar form of the electromagnetic field, to us, is found in sunlight. This electromagnetic field is actually the interaction of both an electric field, which is composed of stationary charges, and the magnetic field which consists of wave like currents.  

What is most interesting about the electromagnetic field is that, not only does it exist as a natural phenomenon around us, but it is also produced by a large number of the technological advances we have made and that we now tend to take for granted. For example, the microwave oven that most of us heat food or warm the baby’s bottle in produces EMFs. Even your computer screen and your cell phone produce EMFs. Actually, there are many electrical devices in and around your home that produce EMFs. Electrical substations and power lines are other examples of EMF producers outside your home.  

Because the amount of EMF exposure has increased, as a result of technological advancement, scientific studies indicate that too much exposure can have a negative impact on human health, specifically increasing the cancer susceptibility rate. Moreover, some studies seem to indicate that children living in close proximity to overhead power lines, in combination with their still developing immune system, are more likely to develop leukemia than children who don’t live near these power sources.  

Additionally, due to the increase of EMF exposure there has also been a noted increase in miscarriages, birth defects, breast cancer, brain cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease, to note a few more of the potential hazards of EMF. EMFs have also been associated with an increase of chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, allergies and other environmental disease.

Here’s how EMFs work on the human body. EMFs reduce the pineal glands ability to produce melatonin, which is a hormone that has been medically proven to control circadian rhythms and mood. EMFs also inhibit the immune systems ability to protect the body from the formation of pre-cancerous cells. When the body’s immune system is compromised the body is more susceptible to contracting any number of antigens that it can’t naturally fight off.  

Cell phones are also on the list of EMF producing devices. According to Australian Health Research Institute nearly one third of the worlds population is susceptible to some form of ear, eye, or brain cancer, not to mention that EMFs produced by cell phones also have the potential of causing other body disorders, such as epilepsy, heart problems, migraines, and more. EMFs are also produced by the transfer towers that assist in the signal transmission from cell phone to cell phone.

Because of the EMF threat to your health there are some things to keep in mind. First, reduce the amount of the use of your cell phone. If you are at home and have a land line, use the land line not the cell phone. Also, turn off the cell phone when you are not using it. When out and about keep your cell phone in a place other than a pocket over or near your heart. In addition, you should avoid living or working near transmission masts.


EMF expert and founder of the Research Center for Wireless Technology, Paul Fitzgerald, graduate from NJIT, has been studying EMF\’s for over 15 years now. He has done over 100 radio shows in 2006 and released his book

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Filed under antenna, awareness, cell phone, children, electromagnetic radiation, EMF, EMR, family, Health, microwave, protect, solutions, toddlers, tower