Category Archives: sensativity

EMF-Omega-News 29. October 2011

Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic modern technology increasing our risk of cancer?

The proximity of a powerful cell tower can be devastating to physical and mental health

Parents Raise Concerns about Wireless Technology in Schools

Electrical Hypersensitivity: Overview by Lucinda Grant

Cell towers killing sparrows, bees, says MoEF study

Supreme Court hands dairy farmers a win over stray voltage

Protected Surbiton garden at centre of phone mast row

Residents take on mobile phone giant

Residents win battle to block Nuneaton phone masts

Homeowners petition against phone mast

Phone mast plans abandoned

Walton phone mast proposals thrown out

Smart meter opponents wonder why they have no choice

Smart meter resistance continues

Next-up News Nr 1842

Next-up News Nr 1843

Next-up News Nr 1844

Next-up News Nr 1845

Next-up News Nr 1846

News from Mast Sanity

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Filed under Citizens' Initiative Omega, EMF, environment, Klaus Rudolph, sensativity

EMF free living

Actually, straw bale is a natural material that shields emf’s quite well. I have measured the microwave radiation outside of a straw bale building and then inside and compared. I would have to look up the exact numbers, but the reduction was dramatic.

This was a house that used bamboo to stabilize the straw bales rather than chicken wire, which is what a lot of people use. I have not had the opportunity to measure them, but I would bet that cob houses would also provide significant shielding as the walls are very thick and made of clay and straw. Dragonboard seems like another alternative, but probably much more expensive.

I had an interesting experience the other day while taking measurements in a very rural area. My readings were very low until an airplane flew over, then dropped again after the plane passed. This was not measuring radar, but microwaves in uW/cm2.

Good luck on creating a safe living space.


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Medical Director of Swiss Clinic Takes Brave Stand on the Hazards of Electromagnetic Pollution

By Camilla Rees for

February 10th, 2009. Dr. Thomas Rau, Medical Director of the world renowned Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmühle, Switzerland says he is convinced ‘electromagnetic loads’ lead to cancer, concentration problems, ADD, tinnitus, migraines, insomnia, arrhythmia, Parkinson’s and even back pain. At Paracelsus (, cancer patients are now routinely educated in electromagnetic field remediation strategies and inspectors from the Geopathological Institute of Switzerland are sent to patients’ homes to assess electromagnetic field exposures.

Of note, Dr. Rau says a strategy to consider for those experiencing ‘electrical sensitivity’ symptoms is to remove the electromagnetic ‘hot spot’ in the head created by the presence of metal fillings. Concern is thus not only for the ‘neurotoxic’ aspect of mercury in fillings, an increasingly understood hazard, but because fillings themselves act as antennas in the presence of electromagnetic fields from cell phones and cell towers, wi-fi networks, portable phones, and other sources of radiofrequency radiation.

Rau says the removal of dental fillings can be an important early step in reducing electrical sensitivity, allowing some people to live in homes they otherwise could not tolerate.

Cultures have shown beneficial bacteria grows more slowly in the presence of electromagnetic fields, says Rau, allowing pathological organisms to dominate. Thus, a strategy with electrically sensitive patients, or with those facing chronic conditions, is the aggressive supplementation with probiotics and other Biological Medicine approaches to balance intestinal flora. Many people with chronic infections likely linked to EMF exposures, such as Lyme Disease, are symptom- free after an aggressive microorganism rebalancing program.

Electrical sensitivity—originally known as radio wave sickness
—is a sometimes debilitating experience created by these and other disregulating effects of electromagnetic fields. Linked to many acute and chronic illness conditions, electrical sensitivity is a serious emerging public health issue globally and a subject in which most doctors have no training.

A Petition to Congress, created by is now circulating on the internet, requesting Congress 1) mandate the FCC lower exposure guidelines to reflect the large body of science showing biological effects at exposures much lower than current standards, 2) repeal Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which rescinded state and local governments right to resist towers on health or environmental grounds, 3) stop the roll out of the Wi-Max network until Congress better understands the potential health consequences, and 4) accommodate citizens unable to function adequately in high EMF environments, including forbidding cell towers on school properties.
Exposing children in schools to radiation, known to impair brain function and learning, Rau describes as “criminal”. He says, “It is unethical to expose children to electromagnetic load in this way. We know that power stations for electromagnetic waves like mobile phones are hurting the brains of children, so to put such stations into schools is really…very, very, very bad. Rau says, the question is, “Does the school, or does the society, really want to have intelligent, well-educated children, or not?” He says, “If you install mobile phone towers, which radiate to the children, their intelligence, their brain capacity, decreases. You will have more ADD children, you will have less function of the brain, which in the long term reflects on the intelligence of the children, of the possibility to really teach children, and in the long term, the more this overcomes society, the more we will have dumb children.”

The reality of the health consequences of electromagnetic radiation eventually will have to be faced, and this will only happen with active pressure on Congress. It is estimated that 3-8% of populations in developed countries experience serious electrohypersensitivity symptoms today, and 35% experience mild symptoms. With increasing electromagnetic field exposures, these numbers, along with the suffering involved for people who are impacted, and the health care costs involved, are bound to go up.

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Filed under cancer, electrohypersensitivity, family, microwave, schools, sensativity

UCSD, San Diego Protest against EMF

Cancer cluster at UCSD

Elevator in literature building cited as potential cause; faculty wants more action from administration

By Amanda Ripley
A higher-than-normal rate of cancer diagnoses in the building that houses UCSD’s literature department has been the subject of near-constant discussion in recent months, but it’s an issue that’s been on the department’s radar for years.

“We’ve been talking about this in the hallways for almost as long as I’ve been here,” said Anna Joy Springer, a creative-writing professor who’s been teaching at UCSD for six years.

Between 2000 and 2006, faculty and staff who work in the building reported at least eight individual cases of breast cancer. Of these people, two have died. Also reported were one case each of ovarian cancer, carcinoma of the adrenal cortex, adenoid cystic carcinoma of the salivary gland and metastatic cervical cancer. Three people have been diagnosed with benign tumors in the uterus and ovaries.

Employees first noticed the trend in 2002. Years later, in response to a request from the literature department to find out what was causing the unusually high occurrence of cancer, the Chancellor’s office commissioned Dr. Cedric Garland, an epidemiologist from the university’s Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, to conduct a study.
Garland completed his work last June, concluding that women who worked in the literature building had a roughly four- to five-times greater chance of developing breast cancer than if they didn’t work in the building. The report ruled out potential causes, such as the domestic water supply, radioactive chemicals, mold and exposure to carcinogens.

Garland did, however, suggest that there could be a link between the cancer cluster and the building’s electrical and elevator systems.

“Some epidemiological studies and laboratory studies have linked exposure to residential levels of electromagnetic fields from high electrical configurations, such as… step-down electric power transformers, to breast or other cancers,” Garland wrote.

The literature building’s elevator is powered by hydraulic motors that require a surge of energy in order to compress the hydraulic fluid, momentarily increasing the power drawn by the motor to an amount five times greater than normal. These quick surges occur each time the elevator buttons are pushed—every 15 to 60 seconds in the literature building—which, in turn, creates an
electromagnetic field significantly higher than the recommended exposure.

Usually, hydraulic elevator motors are located in the basements of tall office buildings, but because the literature building has no basement, the motors are housed in a small utility room on the first floor.

The geographical center of the cancer cluster happens to be within a few feet of that room. According to Garland’s report, the level of electrical current passing through the literature building’s mechanical and elevator equipment rooms “could be equivalent” to an amount typically used in roughly 123 to 134 houses combined. Previous epidemiological studies have suggested that high-current electrical configurations that serve as few as six to eight residences are associated with higher cancer rates, the report said.

Perhaps even more troubling was the report’s claim that

“moderate exposure to electromagnetic fields interferes with the action of the drug tamoxifen.”

Tamoxifen is commonly prescribed to prevent the recurrence of estrogen-positive breast cancer. So, even if a woman’s breast cancer isn’t related to EMF exposure, if she’s taking tamoxifen to keep the cancer at bay, EMFs could undermine the drug’s effect.

These risks, however, are limited mainly to those who work “in very close proximity to the electrical and elevator equipment rooms.”

The report recommended that university administrators inform anyone who might work in the building of the potential risks and to try to lower the electromagnetic-field levels, either by reconfiguring the elevators or replacing them entirely.

Since the report’s release, Chancellor Marye Ann Fox and Vice Chancellor Paul Drake have met twice with the literature department.

In both meetings, said literature professor Nina Zhiri, the administration’s response was the same: Garland’s report was “inconclusive,” and further studies were necessary before making any major changes to the building. This makes little sense to Zhiri, who noted that Garland had been called the “leading authority” in his field by UCSD’s Department of Environmental Health and Safety when the study was first commissioned. “Scientific certainty is not something that you arrive at quickly,” Zhiri said. “We don’t think that we should wait until there is some ‘conclusive’ report.”

The report did, in fact, address lingering questions about whether electromagnetic fields cause breast cancer, stating that “the role of EMF in breast cancer is still not resolved with final scientific certainty, despite decades of research.” However, Garland went on to say, “the lack of such certainty should not be a reason to avoid taking moderate measures to minimize needless exposure of workers to power frequency electromagnetic fields.”

This policy, known as “prudent avoidance,” was adopted by the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment as a method for protecting workers while further research is being done on the link between cancer and electromagnetic fields. In the eyes of the people who work in the literature department, it’s a simple matter of better safe than sorry. They would prefer that some action be taken before further research is conducted, rather than after.

That further research will come in the form of a study by Dr. Leeka Kheifets, an expert for the World Health Organization on the health effects of EMFs, says Steve Benedict, director of UCSD’s Environment Health & Safety office. In a town-hall meeting last Thursday, Vice Chancellor Drake said that Kheifets’ study “should be done in about three or four weeks, and then we’ll decide what to do.” Benedict this week stretched the time frame to six to eight weeks.

To some in the literature department, the new study looks like little more than a stalling tactic. There are currently posters circulating around the building via e-mail that read, “8 cases of breast cancer and two deaths in the Lit building! UCSD response: stall, wait, deny.” Some have speculated that the Chancellor’s office is hoping the new study will contradict the old one, presumably undermining any lawsuits brought by the women who have been diagnosed with cancer.

Meanwhile, literature department staff want to know whether it’s safe to work in the building. “I think about it all the time,” said one staff member, who asked not to be identified by name, who works within meters of the elevators and can hear the motors turning on and off throughout the day.

However, on Monday night, just before CityBeat’s press deadline, Benedict provided answers to a series of written questions sent late last week to a university spokesperson. Benedict said that as interim measures, the university has shut down one of two elevators identified in Garland’s report (late on Tuesday, a spokesperson said both elevators had been shut down), older motor starting devices have been replaced by newer ones that produce fewer EMFs and the “areas identified by Dr. Garland as being potentially at risk of exposure to EMF were vacated.”

Benedict also noted that Garland’s report states that the highest level of EMFs found in the building “is not prohibited by any known U.S. national exposure standard” and that the “exposure is unlikely to be a principal cause of breast cancer that has been diagnosed in people who have worked in this small area.”

However, the U.S. doesn’t have an exposure standard; Garland based his conclusions on Sweden’s standard and the readings he took in the literature building at times exceeded that standard. Garland also added that “some possibility exists that it could have contributed modestly to risk” and then mentioned the issue of tamoxifen interference.

Many people, especially students, have not read Garland’s report and don’t know to what extent they should be worried about their health and safety. Some faculty members, like Springer, wonder if they should warn each person who enters the building of the potential risk. Others, like Zhiri, worry about what the department should tell new employees, or whether to tell them at all. The issue of tamoxifin interference is especially thorny—the last thing the department wants to be asking new hires about is their medical history.

“It would make sense to me if alternate space was found for us to hold all the business of the department until the issue was resolved,” Springer said. “I think that’s the only ethical thing to do at this point.”

The administration feels differently. During Thursday’s town-hall meeting, when asked about the building, Fox said, “Right now, we don’t have sufficient evidence to justify moving the faculty or the staff out of [the building].” Vice Chancellor Drake added that UCSD simply doesn’t have “a building sitting ready that could take not only the staff, but the faculty, graduate students, etcetera, which would be some 90 people. So there’s really no way we can do that.”

There is, in fact, at least one empty building on campus. In a campus-wide e-mail dated Feb. 12, UCSD’s music department announced the completion of the new Conrad Prebys Music Center. The department has not yet moved into the new building but plans to do so at the end of this week. And Springer suggested the possibility of finding temporary off-campus facilities for literature-department employees. “I see neuroscience and other departments renting offices across the street in that commercial area,” she said, “and that’s why it seems like it’s also about cost.”

Drake spoke about the issue of cost at the town-hall meeting. “If a conclusive study comes back that shows that building does cause cancer, we will get people out of there, I assure you. But we cannot do that on a fiscally responsible basis until we have that proof, and so far we don’t.”

The administration has offered to find new offices for a select few employees, who, in Drake’s words, “feel particularly threatened or distressed, or under pressure from this situation.” Given what the literature department sees as an unacceptable lack of action by the administration, many employees have begun to take matters into their own hands. For several weeks there have been signs on both elevators, asking students and teachers to take the stairs whenever possible. But the signs don’t give a reason for the request and are often ignored. Zhiri said a building committee that she chairs would like to make it so that the elevators require a key to operate, but that would be a “bureaucratic nightmare,” she said.

“And all of this costs money, of course,” Zhiri added—money that the department doesn’t have.

Employees have also been spending less time in their offices. Graduate student Sabrina Starnam holds office hours at a coffee shop on campus, with a sign on her table that reads “Cancer Free Office Hours.” There’s been talk of holding classes elsewhere, though at the moment, students continue to attend workshops and seminars in the building’s classrooms.

Meanwhile, an online petition has been circulating that reads, “WE, the undersigned, support the Faculty, Staff, Students and Workers in the Literature Building, and ask that the University provide them with a safe workplace.” So far, the petition has almost 1,000 signatures from concerned students, parents and friends. And on Tuesday, Feb. 17, the department held a teach-in on UCSD’s Library Walk. Zhiri said the plan was to inform the campus community about the situation and circulate the petition.

While faculty members and staff have been spending more and more of their time talking about the issue, drafting letters to the administration and planning protests, they have been spending less of their time teaching, researching and writing. “It would help us do our jobs,” Springer said, “if we believed deeply that we were supported and our health was valued.”

Though the literature department is generally unhappy with the administration’s actions, Zhiri says that in recent weeks, “there has been a marked effort toward transparency.” Members of the department now meet regularly with the Environmental Health and Safety office and are being updated on what’s being done to deal with the situation.

* Published: 02/17/2009 by Amanda Ripley

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Filed under awareness, EMF, Health, mast, microwave, schools, sensativity, WiFi

You choose

The 20/20 and Larry King videos are viewable at the very top of the page.

Blood Analysis VIEW VIDEO before and after a 15 minute cell call. So much oxygen depletion from red blood cells that it takes about 2 hours for an adult body to recover.


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Filed under awareness, cell phone, cell tower, children, EMF, EMR, family, mast, protect, schools, sensativity, toddlers, tower

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS): Desperation for a Denied Illness

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS): Desperation for a Denied Illness

Pistoia, 15th february 2009 – During the night between 14th and 15th February a 48-year old lady, M. from Pistoia in Tuscany, committed suicide because exasperated by a complex disabling condition.

She had a motor disability and a few months ago she started to be extremely reactive to electromagnetic fields and chemicals so she had lost her autonomy and she also suffered for the isolation caused by these sensitivities. The help of friendly people and of patients-organizations was not enough to give her confidence in the future.

M. had a burning sensation in the head and throughout the body, tinnitus in the ears, a feeling of suffocation when she was in contact with a freshly washed fabric or near a computer, a phone or electrical. She could not even use the phone because it caused her headache. These are all very common symptoms for those suffering from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), a condition that, according to medical estimates, affects from 1 to 8% of the population.

M. was in contact with the Association for Chronic Toxic and/or Environmental Injury (AMICA) and the Association of Italian Electro-Hypersensitive people (AIE), which have been trying for months to help the lady as much as possible and had provided scientific evidence to bring to her doctors.

“We know that she had plans to move to the mountains, away from phones, masts and power lines”, Silvia Bigeschi, Vice President and Head of AMICA Tuscany comments.

The lady started to react to electromagnetic fields since last April, shortly after a therapy with electromagnetic stimulation, and she wondered if this could be the cause of her deterioration.

“M. had metal plates in her body that may increase the absorption of electromagnetic fields up to hundreds of times and, according to some scientific studies (Irvine No 2004), these represent a risk factor for EHS”, said Anna
Zucchero, physician and President of Associazione Italiana Electro.

“The ICNIRP guidelines (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) does not specify limits to ensure safety for the population with metal prostheses and we are still waiting, since 10 years ago, that the CENELEC
(European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) determines limits of exposure for these subjects”, Dr. Zucchero adds.

“Many scientists complain
that the current standards do not protect the health of citizens and the European Parliament has recommended last September to review the limits for exposure to electromagnetic fields of ICNIRP precisely because the emergence of diseases like the EHS and MCS”, Francesca Romana Orlando, Vice President of AMICA, comments.

EHS is a recognized disability in Sweden, where there are initiative to overcome “electric barriers” and, similarly, in the United States and in Germany, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is recognized as a physical disability by several administrations. A few months ago the first village for EHS was created in France:

According to international associations, such as or , the non-recognition of this condition worldwide is attributable to the heavy conflict of interests of the leader of the WHO group of
study about electromagnetic fields.

A.M.I.C.A. and A.I.E. believe that the silence of the institutions and their failure in protecting who is suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Electrosensibility might be a real crime and the two organization are considering
to take legal action.

“The only investment by the Ministry of Health to the Instituto Superiore di Sanità (the scientific arm of the Ministry) is used for a study about the change the perception of the risk from electromagnetic fields (project CAMELET); this is contrary to the provisions of the law suggesting the need for studies about the health impact”, the President of the Italian EHS complains.

“M. loved the truth, the intellectual honesty and the social commitment: we invite everyone to listen to what she is telling us with her death in order to avoid to others the same suffering she had”, Dr. Zucchero says.

Press contacts:
Silvia Bigeschi
Vice President of A.M.I.C.A.
P.O. Box 3131 – 00121 Roma
Tel. 0039.0572-767884
Anna Zucchero, MD
President of the Associazione Italiana Elettrosensibili
via Cadorna n°5 35123 Padova
Tel. 0039.041.908951
Informant: Martin Weatherall

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Filed under awareness, electrohypersensitivity, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electrosmog, EMF, EMR, Health, mast, microwave, pollution, sensativity

Global TV 16:9 news on CFLs & Dirty Electricity

Dirty Energy and Compact Florescent Bulbs / Lights

“this is reading 580 roughly, so once again we have a really bad bulb”

What is she doing? Well this is Dr. Magda Havas, she’s testing all sorts of bulbs for dirty electricity.

Dirty what?

Dirty electricity.

An expert in her field, basically she measures power quality and radio frequencies that different bulbs give off.

“you see that that has jumped up over 400, so just one light bulb can give very high readings, and there’s no way of knowing that this is worse than the others by just by looking at the package”

She says on her meter for a bulb to be considered clean – it should read less than 50.

“so one light bulb gives 500 can you imagine just four of them, that would put them over to 2000, can I turn it off now?”

a lot of people are responding negatively to these light bulbs. They get headaches; they get other body aches and pains. Some of them have difficulty sleeping they’re tired, some have mood disorders”

All this is controversial – scientists do not agree if people can suffer from what’s called electromagnetic hype sensitivity. Basically getting sick from the electronic devices we use – and the stuff they give off.

But what about the people we met who say they’re suffering – like Larry Newman.

“I was blindsided by it” here’s the thing about Larry Newman – he’s Doctor Newman – a neurologist. And that migraine headache hit him like a truck.

“I can tell you from my experience there’s something about those bulbs that triggered my headaches”

((green bulbs)) at his new York clinic – he’s seeing more and more patients complaining about the compact florescent light bulbs.

“these new light bulbs doc I swear they’re giving me headaches” He knows some will dismiss what he’s saying – they’ll say there’s no scientific evidence linking the bulbs to headaches.

“I can tell you from other patients they definitely see a relationship to exposure to that light bulbs and developing a headache”

One of those patients is Amanda Gabbard.

“right here my forehead feels very warm. and I feel a dull pain behind my eyes, a little bit of dizziness and fatigue” In her home you’ll only find old fashioned incandescents. She got rid of the CFL’s.

“very shocking I am very confused by it. I don’t really understand it, I just know I have to get away from them. so, it’s kind of mind boggling I mean it’s just a light bulb what can it really do, isn’t it supposed to be this great thing … everyone’s doing it” And she can’t escape it, when she took a trip to Italy and stayed in his hotel – her room was loaded with the curly bulbs – instantly she knew.

“and I thought oh no I came all the way to Europe to have this wonderful vacation and it’s going to be ruined”

” we had to take them out immediately “

Dr. Christine Lay – a neurologist and headache expert says people like Amanda prove it is happening – and science needs to catch up.

“I think a lot of times things are introduced and then it’s the people that will being to say, no wait a minute something’s going on here, something’s not right here. So we hope as more people speak up, more scientists will begin to become involved”

Health Canada says ‘yes’ its true CFL’s give off radio frequencies but claim the levels are safe and thousands of times below limits that have been recommended. The lighting companies say their bulbs meet industry standards and are safe. Again, no one would talk to us on camera.

“And Health Canada has a serious responsibility. And they’re not living up to that responsibility. They’re right now just trying to deny that there is a problem without recognizing what they should be doing to actually investigate it rather than just deny it blindly”

Those who suffer say their health problems are real – and there more to it than just headaches

“they were all throughout my house almost every room had a bulb in it” Kevin Byrne says his pain was like having arthritis – so convinced dirty electricity is, well, dirty, he quit his job to test other people’s homes for what he calls electrical pollution – starting with the curly bulbs.

You get closer to the bulb and you can see the significant electrical fields then compared to fluorescent now electricity is going through you body and into ground.

“I know there are a lot of people who are having adverse reaction to them headaches, fatigues, and the chronic pain that I felt”

Magda has heard it all before…the doubts…questioning whether they’re really sick.

“well there’s definitely something there., if you have them in your home, simply turn them off for a few days and find out if your symptoms disappear”

Ok let’s review UV, headaches, skin problems, and of course mercury. The old inefficient light bulbs are being banned in 2012. Manufactures are scrambling to create new ones – the best choice for the future may be these – LED’s – light emitting diodes – no mercury. No health concerns. And WAY more efficient than the curly bulbs. But right now it’s compact fluorescents.

Its reading 27 it doesn’t contribute to dirty electricity at all “they’re doing it for all the right reason, but unfortunately they haven’t been told that these light bulbs in their homes might be making -people sick”

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Filed under awareness, electricity, electrosmog, Health, sensativity

Effects of my hidden dental metals

As background to my own experience (Shivani Arjuna), please note the comments of Dr. Klinghardt, founder of The Institute for Neurobiology in Seattle, Wa, an expert in the health consequences of electromagnetic fields and  a leading educator for physicians in U.S. and Europe.

“Some of us (and I am part of that group of physicians) believe that electromagnetic radiation and its deep biological effects in the body are affecting everybody. It is just a matter of degree and of quantity. We do know from research, from Dr. Amora in NY, that there is a synergistic effect between heavy metals deposited in the central nervous system from, for example mercury or lead toxity, and electromagnetic fields.”

“Metals stored in the central nervous system act like an antennae that concentrate electromagnetic fields in the central nervous system and then the effects of that are more devastating than in people that have a clean central nervous system.  That is pretty firmly established.  However who becomes toxic with heavy metals also involves a genetic component.  There are people that have impaired enzymes of detoxification very often caused not necessarily by increased exposure toxic metals, but by defective genes. That number of people is going up tremendously. That is true of most austic children and most children of behavioral problems and so forth.  That number is closer now to 20-25% of the population.”

Dr. Klinghardt states that it is “more like 8% of the population that is aware they are hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields. The other 92% is easily affected, but in a more quiet way and may not know that the breast cancer is coming from the exposure to nightime electromagnetic fields in the home or that their hormonal problems or low testosterone is caused by the ambient electrical fields at home.

The patient with ALS or MS may not be aware that the silently creeping advancement of the illness is greatly contributed to by the electromagnetic fields of the home. So you really have a distinct line between where
the symptoms are obviously caused by electrosmog and where it may be more clandestine, more hidden where the symtoms are caused by electromagnetic fields in a more silent way.”  [BTW, we know someone who was diagnosed with ALS whose symptoms were reversed when he learned to avoid exposure to harmful electromagnetic frequencies. -Shivani]

You can hear the interview with Dr. Klinghardt by clicking on the link to it at:

Several other excellent interviews are also posted there.

Here’s the info. about my own recent experience.

Even dentists who are aware that mercury is toxic use other metals they believe to be safe, which are not. Many of us have such dental metals that we are not even aware of, as they are not visible to us.

Some non-mercury composite filling materials contain metal oxides as colorant.  This metal may leach into your body. Its presence in a tooth has an energy effect on your body.  In addition, even your holistic dentist may have
added a metal pin or two when filling a tooth, with the purpose of stabilizing a large filling.

I recently discovered that I have titanium pins screwed into several of my teeth.  (Once in, a surrounding, opaque metal-oxide filling makes them impossible to see, even in x-rays.)  “Oh, they are completely nontoxic,” I was told
by the office of the dentist who had put them in with all good intentions. That they are wonderful receiving antennae simply did not occur to him.

Dr. Douglas Cook of Suring, WI is part of a research program that enables him to use electrodermal testing with the tolerance, if not the blessing, of the FDA.  The testing involves sending an electrical current to a specific tooth or area of the jaw.   If the system is in balance, the body returns an equal flow of current.  Where imbalance is present, the return flow will be weak.

This testing indicated a problem with a tooth of mine that had become extremely sensitive to touch or any temperature change.   I was also experiencing inexplicable deterioration of vision in the eye just above that tooth, compared to my other eye, so I decided to have Dr. Cook remove the old filling material, which was the kind with some metal in it.   He discovered that there was also a titanium pin screwed down into the base of the tooth.   Within 24 hours of his removing the pin and the old filling, the vision in my eye improved. Previously, I had not been able to read with that eye alone.  Now I can.

What really knocked my proverbial socks off, though, was the realization about a week later that chronic, inexplicable, very disconcerting spasms of a particular spot in my intestines, on the same side of the body as that tooth, had stopped occurring.

These spasms had begun several years ago, during a time when I experienced a general health collapse that later turned out to be directly related to my exposure to “dirty electricity.”   (Health-damaging frequencies being delivered to our homes along with our 60Hz.  These higher frequencies, are biologically active in a very detrimental way, causing a wide range of neurological, cardiac, respiratory, dermatological, ophthalmologic and other symptoms.

At the time of my collapse and through the first months of my recovery as we cleared our home of more and more of this invisible pollution, I was a walking detector of dirty electricity.   If I went near a hidden source, such as a
computer behind a wall in an office suite, I’d instantly have intestinal spasms.   My more severe sympoms cleared up after we were able to bring the level of electrical pollution down in our home.  However, perhaps due to the fact that our electrical neutral is overloaded, we have never been able to bring the level of electrical pollution down to 20 GS (Graham Stetzer) units, the level at which symptoms are rarely triggered, these spasms remained chronic.   If I received much exposure during the day, particularly if I had visited an area away from home where I was exposed to a higher level of electrical pollution or communications frequencies, I’d have a lot of spasms that night and be unable to sleep.

What was so disconcerting about these spasms was that they were so intense they shook my chest area, thud! thud! thud! with a sensation remarkably similar to what I’d experienced when I had had preatrial cardiac syndrome before
we had become educated abut electrical pollution and mitigated our house. I had experienced such severe cardiac symptoms on two occasions that I had been rushed to the ER by ambulance.  So, for the past several years, every time my gut would spasm I’d tense up, due to a post-traumatic stress reaction.

We are talking about several years of these spasms, and many things tried in hopes of stopping them, to no avail.    Because of a tiny titanium pin and/or a bit of metal oxide.

A third change that occurred within days of the pin  being removed was the disappearance of a good-sized senile keratosis that had been on my shoulder near the tooth with the pin in it.  It happens that I had had my doctor look at
that, to see if it might be carcinogenic, so this is also a matter of my medical record.

A fourth change, noted a few weeks after removal of the composite and the pin, is that though I had been experiencing chronic and severe nightly cramping of the calf and foot on the side of my body where the pin was located, these cramps are now both infrequent and of greatly reduced severity.

Now I have noticed yet a 5th change, which is that I no longer have the chronic runny nose that had bothered me for years.

All of this, of course, may be argued to be mere coincidence. However, if this were your own experience, what would you conclude?

You may want to check out Dr. Doug Cook’s websites: and

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Filed under antenna, awareness, electrohypersensitivity, electromagnetic fields, Health, sensativity

Medical Director takes a stand … hazards of electromagnetic pollution

February 10, 2009

Dr. Thomas Rau, Medical Director of the world renowned Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmühle, Switzerland says he is convinced ‘electromagnetic loads’ lead to cancer, concentration problems, ADD, tinnitus, migraines, insomnia, arrhythmia, Parkinson’s and even back pain.

At Paracelsus (, cancer patients are now routinely educated in electromagnetic field remediation strategies and inspectors from the Geopathological Institute of Switzerland are sent to patients’ homes to assess electromagnetic field exposures.

Of note, Dr. Rau says a strategy to consider for those experiencing ‘electrical sensitivity’ symptoms is to remove the electromagnetic ‘hot spot’ in the head created by the presence of metal fillings. Concern is thus not only for the ‘neurotoxic’ aspect of mercury in fillings, an increasingly understood hazard, but because fillings themselves act as antennas in the presence of electromagnetic fields from cell phones and cell towers, wi-fi networks, portable phones, and other sources of radiofrequency radiation.

Rau says the removal of dental fillings can be an important early step in reducing electrical sensitivity, allowing some people to live in homes they otherwise could not tolerate.

Cultures have shown beneficial bacteria grows more slowly in the presence of electromagnetic fields, says Rau, allowing pathological organisms to dominate. Thus, a strategy with electrically sensitive patients, or with those facing chronic conditions, is the aggressive supplementation with probiotics and other Biological Medicine approaches to balance intestinal flora. Many people with chronic infections likely linked to EMF exposures, such as Lyme Disease, are symptom- free after an aggressive microorganism rebalancing program.

Electrical sensitivity—originally known as radio wave sickness—is a sometimes debilitating experience created by these and other disregulating effects of electromagnetic fields. Linked to many acute and chronic illness conditions, electrical sensitivity is a serious emerging public health issue globally and a subject in which most doctors have no training.

A Petition to Congress, created by is now circulating on the internet, requesting Congress

1) mandate the FCC lower exposure guidelines to reflect the large body of science showing biological effects at exposures much lower than current standards,

2) repeal Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which rescinded state and local governments right to resist towers on health or environmental grounds,

3) stop the roll out of the Wi-Max network until Congress better understands the potential health consequences, and

4) accommodate citizens unable to function adequately in high EMF environments, including forbidding cell towers on school properties.

Exposing children in schools to radiation, known to impair brain function and learning, Rau describes as “criminal”. He says, “It is unethical to expose children to electromagnetic load in this way. We know that power stations for electromagnetic waves like mobile phones are hurting the brains of children, so to put such stations into schools is really…very, very, very bad. Rau says, the question is, “Does the school, or does the society, really want to have intelligent, well-educated children, or not?”

He says, “If you install mobile phone towers, which radiate to the children, their intelligence, their brain capacity, decreases. You will have more ADD children, you will have less function of the brain, which in the long term reflects on the intelligence of the children, of the possibility to really teach children, and in the long term, the more this overcomes society, the more we will have dumb children.”

The reality of the health consequences of electromagnetic radiation eventually will have to be faced, and this will only happen with active pressure on Congress. It is estimated that 3-8% of populations in developed countries experience serious electrohypersensitivity symptoms today, and 35% experience mild symptoms. With increasing electromagnetic field exposures, these numbers, along with the suffering involved for people who are impacted, and the health care costs involved, are bound to go up.

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Filed under antenna, awareness, cell phone, cell tower, children, electrohypersensitivity, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, EMF, EMR, family, Health, mast, schools, sensativity, tower